Mythology are things that are in human imagination or those are not real. {I believe its real though ;p}when talking about mythology Greece,Rome,Egypt and China are very famous.Today I am talking about Greek mythology
Grouping myths are ridiculous but we can think it as two types,
- Myths
- Dark Myths

here are some myths that people believed as good myths of course,
- Gods
- Giants
- Centaurs
- Griffins
- Titans
- Pegasus
- Dragons
- Dacrons
- Golems
- Trolls
- Sacred beasts
- Manticore
- Phoenix
- Harpy
- Cretasian bull
- Demigods
- Minataur
- Cyclopes

Dark myths
Beginning of Myths and Gods
A long time ago titans ruled the world before mortals(human).The king of the titans was Kronos.Kronos had 6 children and he had been warned by a prophecy that one of his children would kill him.In response kronos began to destroy his children buy eating one buy one {"aah that's disgusting"} whole in hopes of preventing the prophecy from coming true.
When the time came kronos tried to kill Zeus his elder son but Kronos's wife Rhea (mother of Zeus) got mad at her {crazy hubby i mean } husband's nature and tricked her husband into swallowing a stone wrapped in a blanket while Zeus carried to safety by an eagle.The other sons of kronos were Poseidon,Hades and Chiron the centaur.
When Zeus grew up he returned home in disguise and gave kronos a potion which made him choke causing kronos to regurgitate the stone.
Rhea substitued for Zeus and her other 5 children after Zeus freed his siblings from their fathers belly, six of them joined forces to overthrow their father from his throne.
Later Zeus went to the underworld {"yeah the hell"} with his 2 brothers Poseidon and Hades.Cyclopes gave gifts for three of them the lightning thunder bolt for Zeus, the trident for Poseidon and the invincibility cap for Hades respectively.Those are the most powerful weapons ever made.

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