
"DO YOU BELIEVE IN MYTHS? IF YOU DOES IT WILL NOT BE A MYTH THOUGH ,HE HE JUST KIDDING I DO BELIEVE THEM OF COURSE I AM A BIIIG BIIIG FAN OF GREEK MYTHOLOGY !THAT'S ENOUGH LETS START...." GREEK MYTHOLOGY Mythology are things that are in human imagination or those are not real. {I believe its real though ;p} when talking about mythology Greece,Rome,Egypt and China are very famous.Today I am talking about Greek mythology Grouping myths are ridiculous but we can think it as two types, Myths Dark Myths myths Ancient times people didn't knew anything about astronomy like the present.people believed in myths as they are protecting them or guarding them even they thought that sun is Artemis ? {what the ?yeah yeah i know it is Apollo ;p} Apollo the sun god. here are some myths that people believed as good myths of course, Go ds Giants Centaurs Griffins Titans Pegasus Dragons Dacrons Golems Trolls ...